Thursday, September 3, 2009


"The things I remember most about being in love,

is the joy that lasted for a while, the smiles, the way you held me,

and all the tears I cried for deceiving me."

"I wish that my mom would have told me the same thing about guys

as she did about horror movies when I was 5,

""Don't worry honey it's all fake!""

What memories i can't forget about this love was the way how we met. It's so awkward, strange and different. That no one can understand. It's just me and that guy. And I should just keep it as a secret.

He was so nice. So gentle. He's a Doctor. And theres saying that. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. AHAHAHA.. Even how hard i avoid him, He never gave up. He always there. He gave me flowers and stuff toys. But the thing He never forgot to gave me is fruits. He always bring me fruits. He wants me to be healthy. My mom love's Him so much. So as my sisters.

That guy was so quiet. If you look at Him, He looks like He can never brake glasses. He's so slow. But everytime were together, He always makes me feel so especial. He always sed to me that I am the most beautiful and special patient He had.. ahaha..

I would never ever forget the time we argued at the phone. I was so pissed that time. Just to make it up to me, He leave His duty at the hospital where His working. Still in His Doctor suit He went to our house to say sorry. Thats so sweet. And there was this one time I went home from mall I can't breathe. So my mom brought me to the hospital. After the doctor checked me, BOOOMMM there he is.. He leave His work again for me.. Soo sweet..

But still after a year and a half, our relationship end. He did a very big mistake. That makes me decide to break up with Him. That thing is the only thing He did that cause me a lot of tears. I never expected he can do that. He never cheated on me. He was so faithful, honest and loyal. But that thing, I really can't forgive him. But even though we end up like this. I am so happy were friends now. We sometimes hang on our favorite hangout. At starbucks Morato.. ahaha..

What happens to us makes me realize that no matter how nice the person is. Definitely can make big mistake that nobody can accept. Thats what happens to us. I can't accept the mistake He did so I broke up with Him. I was so hurt and devastated. But its all in the past now. A memory that i might keep a lifetime..

"Who says time heals?! You don't get OVER the pain,

you just learn to get ALONG with the pain, in time."

"They say there's more pleasure in loving than being loved ...

but do they know how painful it is if it's unrequited?"

"No love can hurt as much as the love that can never be.

And, no thoughts can hurt as much as the thoughts of a love that could have been."

But I can see myself love and beloved again...

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